Why Do I Brew?

It’s the age old question, isn’t it? Why do you do that thing you do?

My hobby began in 2017 on a whim. I wanted something to do, I like beer, I’ve looked into home brewing in the past, so why not start it. I went to a well respected home brew shop and talked with the owner. His philosophy with selling his kits was that you buy the kit (but don’t get anything right away), you set up a couple hours so he could walk you through the process, then he would give you the kit. I did all of that, and was still on board. Soon after, my new hobby started.

There’s something I enjoy in trying to replicate some sort of flavor or style that my local brewery makes, or coming up with an idea for a flavor profile that’s bouncing around in my head. Brewing to me is a balancing act between the precise timing and measurements in one aspect of brewing, and the devil may care attitude of adding a dash of this and a sprinkle of that.

I’m nowhere near an expert in this field. It’s something I enjoy… maybe the end product and less of the process. But at the end of the day, there’s no better feeling than handing someone one of your beers and hearing them say “Hey, this isn’t horrible!”

just a boy and his 4 legged brew buddy

Just a boy and his 4 legged brew buddy

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